
We love our parents and community volunteers! Besides being personally rewarding, it solidifies our connections as a community and enhances student success. Thank you for your help!

Visiting the Classroom

Parents can visit their children’s school at any time after the first week of school. All visitors must sign in and out at the front desk and wear a visitor’s sticker while on campus.

Volunteering in Our Schools

Volunteers in our schools function at different capacities; thus we ask different requirements of them prior to volunteering.

Tier 1
Parents volunteering in their child’s classroom and community members without direct-student contact (making copies, setting up for special events, etc.) must complete a Tier 1 Volunteer Packet consisting of a volunteer and confidentiality form, as well as our Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Tier 2
Volunteers who will have direct contact with our students, either on or offsite (field trips, reading groups, etc.) will need to complete a Tier 2 Volunteer Packet. In addition to completing our volunteer forms and agreeing to our Code of Conduct, tier 2 volunteers must complete a universal background screening and become “volunteer certified.” All certifications must be notarized.

Tier 3
Volunteers with direct overnight contact with our students, club monitors, and coaches must complete a Tier 3 Volunteer Packet, and receive DPS clearance. Volunteers are required to assume all costs associated with fingerprinting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a background check when I’m a parent within the district?
We ask upper-level volunteers and coaches to submit to a background check for the safety of our students.

How long does it take for the Universal Background Screening to clear?
It usually takes 24–72 hours for the screening to clear. Our Human Resources Department receives the results directly; we will notify you as soon as it is complete.

How long does it take to be fingerprinted?
We do not do fingerprinting on site. Please make an appointment with one of the police departments. It only takes a few minutes for them to create the fingerprints, but it can take 8 to 10 weeks for the prints to be processed. Again, the Department of Public Safety will send your results directly to our HR office.

How much does it cost to become volunteer certified?
BCSD assumes all costs for the Universal Background Screening. However, we ask volunteers to pay for fingerprinting. As of 2022, the fee is $65.

Where is my personal information kept?
We secure all volunteer records in the office of the HR department.

How long is my volunteer certification valid?
Background screenings are valid for two years. Fingerprint clearances are good for six years. We ask that all volunteers resubmit a volunteer packet when their child matriculates from elementary to middle school.