Professional Development
BCSD provides continuous, job embedded, professional development and training for all staff using the National Staff Development Council’s standards for staff development. These standards cover context, process, and content in a systematic way that helps us all develop instructional best practices to improve student achievement.
Instructional Coaches
Instructional coaches provide classroom coaching, professional development, collaboration, data analysis, ideas for technology integration, action research, book studies, and more. Our instructional coaches receive monthly training to improve their own skill in working with new teachers.
Team Leaders
Site administration appoints team leaders, often by grade level, to support and collaborate with fellow teachers in mastering their craft.
Curriculum & PD Committee
Each year, we form a district curriculum and professional development committee, which consists of two representatives from each school, one site administrator, and the district’s curriculum director to provide the LEA with ongoing curriculum and professional development needs. The committee administers an annual survey to help us target professional development activities for improving teaching strategies, classroom and behavioral management, student engagement practices, tech in the classroom, etc. If you would like to be part of this committee, please let your site administrator know.